Aligned Pilates is A Space where People come to learn Joseph Pilates’ Corrective Exercises called Contrology.
I’m Carmen, a student and teacher of Joe Pilates’ work for over twenty years. I’ve studied with first—and second-generation teachers, developing my practice and teaching skills. As a lifelong student of the work, I understand what it takes to start people and help them stay with their workout. If a student is willing, they will learn a method of exercise that will change their body and life.
The late Jay Grimes, an excellent teacher of mine, said, “Every student that comes through that door is your teacher; you just have to listen.” I listen, offer my experience, and provide opportunities for students to practice.
My life’s work is to help those keen on learning Joe’s exercise method at Aligned Pilates.
See you around the studio.
~Carmen Lanteigne
The Space
Since 2007, I’ve been obsessed with replicating how Joe Pilates successfully taught many people his work.
Today, I proudly offer a space where our students champion their workouts. By following their instincts and choosing what makes their bodies feel good, each student of Aligned understands Joe’s mission - the work changes the body.
Through an immersive experience of recreating what it was like to train with Joseph Pilates, Aligned students learn their Reformer and Mat exercises and have access to other apparatus tailored to their body needs.
Aligned Pilates is equipped with Reformers, Mats, the Cadillac, High Chair, Wonda Chair, Arm Chair, Spine Corrector, Small Barrel, High Barrel, and other auxiliary apparatus that teach people about their bodies on how to improve flexibility, develop a strong torso, work on alignment, and ignite or even re-ignite a mind-body connection.
A consistent practice of Contrology produces a feeling of physical and emotional balance that, for our students, makes navigating life so much more peaceful.
Your Practice
Working with many students over the years, I have three ideas on how people can effectively learn Joseph Pilates’ corrective exercises.
#1 Feel As if The Studio is your own.
Students can access Joseph Pilates’ apparatus in the studio during AP Workouts and Self-Practice hours.
New students start with a basic program of 4 private lessons and 2 Aligned Pilates (AP) WORKOUTS.
#2 Consistency.
Consistent practice four days a week, combining at-home practice with coming into the studio, builds a strong foundation in your body and will help you assimilate new information as you progress.
#3 An Open-Mind.
Learning Joseph Pilates’ work requires TIME and DISCIPLINE. If a person dedicates themselves to learning the practice, what feels very unfamiliar initially will make sense with time.
Don’t quit before the magic happens!
The key is to be open to new experiences and trust Joe Pilates’ work.